Wednesday 23 September 2015

Importance of sun rays

    Nothing is more important to us on Earth than the Sun. Without the Sun's heat and light, the Earth would be a lifeless ball of ice-coated rock. The Sun warms our seas, stirs our atmosphere, generates our weather patterns, and gives energy to the growing green plants that provide the food and oxygen for life on Earth.
    The sun gives off visible and invisible light and infrared and ultraviolet rays. It is through the ultraviolet rays that we receive healing. One of the most important vitamins we use is vitamin D, which our bodies make when the ultraviolet rays come in contact with our skin. Our body needs vitamin D for calcium and for phosphorus absorption. Vitamin D stabilizes calcium and phosphorus in our bones and teeth. When vitamin D is lacking, bone diseases such as osteoporosis, which affects about 25% of all women 55 years and older, is possible; therefore, elderly people, as well as children, need lots of sunshine. Insufficient levels of vitamin D will cause weak hearts, poor metabolism, slow healing of bones and cuts, and rickets in children. Direct exposure to sunlight by sunbathing can greatly benefit the entire body, when done in moderation.

                                                                         The Many Healing Benefits Of Sunlight:

The following list is an aid in what exposure to sunlight can do for your body:

# Increases production of white blood cells which aids in building up the immune system.
# Increases red blood cells and promotes good circulation of the blood --remember, blood likes warmth, and will always
flow to the warmest part of the body.
# Stimulates the liver, assisting it to break down toxins that could cause cancer and other diseases. It also stimulates
other internal organs and glands such as the pancreas, stomach, kidneys, thyroid and adrenal glands.
# Cholesterol and triglyceride levels are lowered in the blood, thus protecting the heart and arteries.
# Sunlight, fresh air, and exercise combined, have an electrifying effect upon the brain and the nervous system. Try it, it
really works! When stress comes knocking on your door, escape into God's nature. It's a real healing experience!
# Sunlight kills germs and bacteria. This is nature's way of protecting us from disease. The rooms in our homes that are
not exposed to sunlight and fresh air can become damp, setting up a breeding ground for bacteria and germs.
# Increases the amount of oxygen going to the tissues.
# Increases melatonin levels which results in many benefits, such as slowing down the aging process and promoting
better quality sleep.
# It has been found to increase serotonin production which helps prevent fatigue and depression.
# It can help people who are suffering from joint diseases such as arthritis, as the warmth of the sun's rays will loosen
up stiff and aching joints.
# Lowers blood pressure and blood sugar levels. Insulin dependent diabetics need to take special care when sunbathing
because when the sun comes in contact with insulin it can have a hypoglycemic effect. Diabetics may need to adjust
their dose of insulin if they are going to be sunbathing on a regular basis.
# Wounds heal faster and many skin conditions are helped when exposed to the sun.

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