Thursday 25 December 2014

Common ailments of Christmas


The 12 Ailments of Christmas
By essex private doctors
The festive season is upon us once again and we
find that we are busier than ever over Christmas.
Great news is that we are here for you every day,
even Christmas Day, just call us on 01277 201001.
What with goodwill and merriment of the season it
is a time for festivities, joy, families, presents, the
perennial box of Brazil Nuts, and bountiful Turkey.
Yes, December is a veritable winter wonderland of
hearty good cheer and an inimitably warm glow.
At Essex Private Doctors it is also the time for
illnesses and ailments, some self-inflicted, others
not. But the last thing you want amidst the festive
madness of the Queen’s speech and sherry-infused
squabbling aunties is to be feeling a bit peaky.
With our guide to Christmas ailments, you might
not be able to dodge all of them, but at least you’ll
know what to do if you become one of the
1. Bloating and Gas
What with the cracking open of fizzy drinks and
champagne combined with over indulgence in food
and vegetables like brussel sprouts, wind builds up
inside your body. Mainly caused by our diet and
gulping down too much air we can be left in some
quite significant discomfort.
We suggest that you try where possible to
moderate your diet and if you feel great discomfort
you can speak to your pharmacist about antacids.
2. Stomach Upset
Overindulgence of Quality Streets, Cocktails and
Christmas pudding means that you’re going to put
your stomach through its paces over the Yuletide
Typical upset stomach symptoms include a bile
taste in the mouth, stomach pains, ulcers, irregular
bowel movements, and constipation. The pain can
often be made worse by things such as coffee,
fatty foods, onions, alcohol and chocolate – in
other words, a few of Christmas’s favourite
You should not need to call on us for this and
there is a variety of medications available over the
counter for these conditions.
3. Hangover
Whilst strictly not an illness, that ‘one for the road’
may have resulted in a morning of splitting
headaches, room-spinning dizziness, gag-inducing
dehydration and vein-popping vomiting?
Alcohol is a diuretic – removing fluids from the
body – that leads to dehydration, and this is what
kick-starts a head-busting hangover.
And while there are hangover tips, there aren’t any
cures. However, here’s some sound advice to get
you through: Don’t drink on an empty stomach,
drink soft drinks between the alcoholic ones, and
drink a pint or so of water before you go to bed.
4. Seasonal Flu
Even with granny’s perennially knitted festive
jumpers, the drop in temperature means we’re
more susceptible to those unpleasant winter chills,
coughs and sneezes.
Why not come and see us for your Flu Vaccination
call 01277 201001
Generally, flu symptoms peak after two to three
days and you should feel better within five to
eight. In most cases plenty of rest, drinking lots of
water and keeping warm will get you on the road
to recovery. More serious strains of flu, such as
chest infections or pneumonia, will need to be
treated with antibiotics, in which case you should
consult your Private GP.
5. Indigestion
Indigestion – also known as dyspepsia – is the
discomfort or pain in your chest not long after
you’ve been eating or drinking. It can also make
you feel bloated, make you belch, cause heartburn
and nausea.
Caused as a result of stomach acid coming into
contact with the sensitive, protective lining of the
digestive system, it’s a common problem that
affects a lot of people but only occasionally and
Medications such as antacids usually remedy the
problem, although if symptoms persist you should
consult your pharmacist or Private GP.
6. Winter Headaches
Think of Christmas and you imagine nice, warm,
cosy, fluffy things. But those chilly temperatures,
terrible Christmas tunes and meteorological dips
mean you can also be struck by a splitting winter
A winter headache is triggered primarily because
of the change in temperature and weather, as well
as being caused by the common cold. But they can
also be caused by things such as red wine, MSG,
coffee, cheese, and skipping meals.
Best way to beat – or even better, avoid – a winter
headache is to eat healthily (plenty of fruit and
veg, and protein such as chicken), get plenty of
Vitamin D, sleep (fatigue is a headache trigger),
stay hydrated, and get plenty of exercise.
7. Seasonal Affective Disorder (S.A.D)
Season Affective Disorder (SAD) is a serious
problem that is thought to affect one in 50 people
in the UK. Also known as the ‘winter blues’, it’s a
form of depression that affects people from
September and November, then gradually lifts in
early spring.
Treatments include cognitive behavioural therapy
and antidepressants, and light therapy is thought
to have a short-term effect. Just give us a call if
you are worried that you are suffering from SAD.
8. Eczema and dry skin
A common complaint during the shivery months,
dry skin is also uncomfortable and irritating.
eczema is another skin condition that’s linked to
having an allergic reaction, and can be
exacerbated by heat, cold, dryness, wetness or
harsh wind – conditions of extremes we put our
bodies through after spending hours in the freezing
cold, to then warm up in front the fire.
Moisturising cream – the thicker the better –
applied several times a day is always a reliable
solution to the problem of dry skin, and non-
perfumed, unscented creams are less likely to
irritate the skin.
9. Chilblains and Raynaud’s disease
The painful red, itchy lumps of chilblains and its
equally irritating cousin, Raynaud’s disease, are
common winter conditions. They’re also a
Christmas present you definitely don’t want.
The key is to avoid getting cold in the first place –
precipitously warming yourself up when you’re
already frozen to the bone only makes things
worse. A good, thick pair of gloves and socks will
keep you nice and toasty and keep the chilblains
at bay.
10. Norovirus
When it comes to thoroughly unpleasant winter
bugs, Norovirus – also known as the winter
vomiting bug – is the reigning champion. It is the
most common ailment in the UK, affecting between
600,000 to 1 million people every year.
Highly contagious and affecting people of all ages,
it causes severe vomiting and diarrhea. The
incubation period is usually 12-48 hours but it
shouldn’t last more than a couple of days.
And while there’s no specific cure – meaning you
have to let its unpleasantness work its way
through your system – there are a few things you
can do to ease the symptoms These include:
drinking plenty of water to stay hydrated, taking
paracetamol for the aches and pains, washing your
hands frequently with soap and water, not sharing
towels or flannels, and disinfecting surfaces/
objects that could be infected.
11. Common Cold
It is a mild viral infection of the nose, throat and
sinuses that causes a runny nose, sneezing, a
cough and sore throat. In adults, it lasts for about
a week and in children about two weeks. If you’re
particularly unlucky, you can be afflicted with a
series of colds of various strengths.
Symptoms can usually be relieved by taking over-
the-counter medication such as Paracetamol, and
drinking plenty of fluids to stay hydrated. And you
can prevent germs from spreading by washing
your hands regularly, sneezing and coughing into
tissues, cleaning surfaces, and using your own
If symptoms persist for more than three weeks,
however, consult your pharmacist or Private GP.
12. Christmas Tree Syndrome
This is a fairly new modern day ailments and you
might be forgiven for thinking Christmas Tree
Syndrome was as fictional as Santa Claus (I didn’t
just ruin it for you, did I?). Well, you’d be wrong.
The condition is caused by breathing in the mould
and spores growing on the Christmas tree, which
causes an itchy nose, watery eyes, and shortness
of breath, coughing, chest pains, fatigue, along
with problems sleeping.
And the best way to rid yourself of this pine-based
affliction? Doctors have recommended you first
hose down your tree in the garden and let it dry
out before you prop it up alongside the rest of the
Christmas decorations – and then swiftly dispose
of it after Christmas Day.

1 comment:

  1. due to the way of feeding and its upsets we really need this
